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Web Press Kit - ABAV - A Feira de Turismo das Américas

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ABAV announces final figures of the 40th Tourism Fair of the Americas

Based on the report issued at 15.30 on 26 October, ABAV - The Tourism Fair of the Americas announces official figures balance three-day event this year, which was consecrated as the best ever held in Rio de Janeiro. Check below:

Participants: 26,039

Booth: 448

Exhibitors: 5019

Footprint in Riocentro: 45,000 m²

Area occupied by booths: 30,000 m²

Direct jobs generated: 1930

Meeting the Business Roundtable: 500

Companies in Business Roundtable: 150

Operators in Business Round: 38

Operators in International Business Round: 19

Average generate immediate business at Business Round: 4 million

Managers participating in the Corporate Area: 530

Lectures held in the village of Knowledge: 150

Mais informações para a imprensa:
Luiz Henrique Miranda
LH Miranda
Fone: 11 - 3873-5488
Cel: 11 - 9658-8766
E-mail: lhmiranda@pressclub.com.br
Site: http://www.pressclub.com.br